Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Serious Business

I found an interesting video clip this morning.

From what I can tell, it's a video of President Obama interacting with some of the G20 protesters during his travels around London.
Note for archive browsers: Sony, in its infinite wisdom and reach, has decided to remove the soundtrack of this video. Strangely enough, the audio portion of the video can still be found here, but it completely ruins the intention of this blog post. Needless to say, I am inconsolable.

To be honest, I feel bad for the G20 protesters. Though I may disagree with some of their political viewpoints, a vast majority of them are there to peacefully express discontent at the way things are going. The vociferous, violent and occasionally drunk minority give a legitimate protest a bad reputation.


Alb said...

Seriously Dan. -_-

My professor Rick Roll'd us on CTools. I think my respect for him decreased by a point or so.

Dan Jenkins said...

A day like today provides a -1 respect debuff, but a +10 buff to my sanity.

AND I didn't entirely waste a blog post. The brevity and levity was matched by the insightfulness and thoughtfulness.

Alb said...

I will second your assessment. Plus, it's a really nice day out (at least here in Ann Arbor)!!

Unknown said...

April fools ftw. I'm so happy that you did that. I can't even tell you...

Jackson said...

Gogo reading comments before clicking :)

lol dan